Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Towards the Limerick Community ICT Strategic Plan - A Great Beginning

I want to take this opportunity to thank those who contributed to the round table discussions at the April 4th launch of the research report. Your enthusiasm and generosity in sharing your ideas and experiences of the issues of the digital divide raised by the research was greatly appreciated.

The feedback from the round tale discussions has now been collated and will be posted on this blog for your reference. I hope to keep the conversation going through this blog as I continue to work with the Limerick Community ICT Steering Group to develop a Strategic Plan that will seek to provide creative, timely and appropriate responses to the issues raised.I would love to hear more from you at this stage - in particular anything you might want to say in response to the following :

Is there something that was important during your discussion that is not documented in the feedback?

Has something new occurred to you since the Round Table Discussions on April 4th?

Do you have any suggestions re specific actions that might reduce the digital divide identified in the research?

Looking forwad to hearing more from you, and once again thank you for your contribution so far.

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