Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Community Update

Yesterday, May 14th I attended the Cluster meeting in Southill. These meetings are held once a year to dicuss allocation of classes and timetables by the VEC. It was great to hear feedback from the Southill community network about the success of technology and digital skills uptake and interest within the community. For example, the local schools had huge success with the 'surf to learn' classes for parents and their children and called for more intergenerational learning schemes to be initiated. The digital photography courses was very popular for young males and many are looking to go to an advanced level. Is was agreed that running information classes for parents about Bebo would be worth planning for next roll out. The Community Adult Education group have in response to the ICT research decided to start a new course called 'Computers for the Terrified.' Likewise the ALSS have rolled out a texting and Internet and emailing course. It is fantastic to see such a practical and quick response to our research. Well done and thanks to all involved!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Computers for the Terrified' was developed in response to one of the key training recommendations of the report that states 'the focus of training should be on the needs of the individual rather than the desire to complete a particular course. Many individuals want to learn the basics about computing or the basics about a particular package rather than recieve a certificate of completion'. Hence 'Computers for the Terrfied' is a short 8-10 week course aimed at building the learners capacity to use ICT for their own needs and to encourage them to access computer facilities in their area or the Self-Access Learning Centre in the MTI Builing. The course is based on the expressed needs of learners and will include a visit to the Self-Access Learning Centre.

Look up or contact your local centre for ICT courses in your area.