Friday, April 11, 2008

Launch of our ICT Research

The launch of our ICT research last week was a huge success. Well done to Elaine, Pat, Paddy Sean, Deirdre, Yvonne and all involved. The turn-out was excellent (I think around 75 people) and the output from the round table focused discusssions will hopefully give us a great starting point for the development of a community owned response to the issues raised. To download the research - use the links below

Research Summary Document (from

Research Full Document (from

Round Table Focus Groups at research launch

Press release
Those living in disadvantaged communities are far less likely to effectively adapt and use new technologies , according to recent research commissioned by Limerick City Community ICT Steering Group. The ground-breaking research ‘Identifying ICT Needs in Disadvantaged Communities Within Limerick City’, which included a survey of 440 households in Limerick showed that internet access in disadvantaged areas was 50% below the national average. The research shows that close to half of respondents (47%) in disadvantaged communities do not use computers at all. In particular, older people, the unemployed, women in the home, and those with lower education levels are less likely to use computers.

The report s’ author , Dr. Pat Bogue said that the report confirmed ‘ the existence of a large divide between disadvantaged communities such as Southill and Moyross and more affluent communities such as Caherdavin ’ . The level of home computer ownership in these communities stand at 45% compared to 73% in Caherdavin. Interestingly, the uptake of technologies such as the mobile phone (89%) , Text Messaging (79%) , and ATM machines (72%) was significantly higher than the uptake of computer technology. These technologies are seen as relevant , whereas 34% of respondents considered computers irrelevant to their every-day lives . However , even for these every-day technologies , usage still fell well below comparable figures for non-disadvantaged communities. The report highlighted what was described as ‘a real and urgent need to tackle the issue of digital exclusion in Limerick City’. It calls for an approaches involving ‘simple, straight-forward messages , which are centered on relevance and the benefits of technology’. ‘Jargon and techno-speak’ were identified as key turn-offs for many , and the report also called for an increase in the delivery of practical , relevant training focused on real-life tasks.

Officially launching the report, Paddy Flannery of Moyross Community Enterprise Centre spoke of the report as being extremely timely in view of the regeneration of the City. He said that whilst technology held out the promise of helping those who have been traditionally excluded, this report highlighted the real danger of people in disadvantaged communities being alienated and excluded in this ‘information age’. He welcomed the focus on e-Inclusion in the recent regeneration vision documents and identified the work to date of the Steering Group as crucial work which needs to be built upon if we are to learn from this research.

Sean O’ Dwyer, Chairperson of the ICT Steering Group spoke of the launch of this report as the first step in the development of an Community Based ICT Strategy for Limerick and invited all stakeholders to support this process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ALSS Responds to Research - Further to the launch of the research, I met with Elaine Doyle in order to respond effectively to some of the findings. We are setting up a sub-group with staff within the Adult Learner Support Service in the VEC and Elaine in order to look at two key initiatives.
1. We are looking at setting up a mobile phone / text course targeted towards 18-30 year olds in 3 locations north, south and city centre and a course for active age learners. The course will be 4 sessions with the €10 free credit given out on 4th session. Progression routes and interventions will be built in.
2. We wish to set up drop-in sessions on internet and ICT use in 3 locations also. This ties in with issue of relevance.

Will keep you posted.

Lorraine Markham
Community ALO, ALSS